Thursday, September 6, 2007

Mehmet Okur: Spokesman

Glad to see that Memo is getting commercials in his native Turkey.

I can't decide what the most unrealistic part of this video is. It's either Memo's ability to split into two people (difficult even for Uri Geller), the fact that Memo was able to stop himself on defense (with a steal that I don't think I've ever seen him display in a real game), or that something called "Dimes" doesn't taste like ass.

Who am I kidding, Memo's defense is clearly the the most fictional element of the advertisement.


Anonymous said...

Taste like ass, ya figure? Who dunnit, ya know? If Memo here is gonna advertise himself on radio waves, might as well ride them to Huckleberry County. Yes sah.

AintNoThang said...

I aint wantin to be knowwin but one thang, here, eh? Hooz da muthafukka what dun stold ma hando, eh? Fezz up, ya perv, ya!