Saturday, April 28, 2007

Game Four Live-Blog, Part Two: Attack of the Clones

-Unforced Error sucks.

-Fisher's current Points Per Shot: 1.0. AK's current Points Per Shot: Undefined.

-Junior Jazz kids rewarded by meeting Carlos Boozer and Andrei Kirilenko. AK defeated four times in a row in games of Knockout.

-"‹sjf fisher to the locker room!!!" Sometimes I worry that we get excited about the wrong things. And not this time.

Remember when SJF acted like he was going to post on this blog?

-Deron points where he wants Harp to screen, Harp automatically slips the screen and moves to the basket, Deron looks at him in puzzlement. Harp then falls down.

[see title of blog for details]

-NBA on ESPN's Taco Bell Update. That's generally not a topic for polite conversation.

-AK back in. Immediately not guarded. And really, he's not being guarded. T-Mac was just standing under the basket, arms at his side. Touche, Jerry.

-T-Mac glares at the ref. Man five feet to the left of ref looks around, points at self, mouths "me?"

-Commercial with montage of common people counting down from 3 and "shooting" various objects at the buzzer. In the Fisher household, the countdown starts at 11.

-NBA Cares commercial, featuring Yao staring blankly at a group of interracial children while holding a closed picture book. That reminds me of how my parents cared for me.

-AK fouled, gets set to miss two FTs. Giricek waiting to check in for him immediately afterwards.

-I like how the Jazz keep running the play that's designed for Harpring to stand under the basket and post up. Oh wait, they're not running that play? Are you sure?

-Sloan finally gets his stoppage in play, puts in Giri for AK. Chews out AK for missing two free throws. AK argues he hit them both to no avail.

-Blog quietly amongst yourselves for a few minutes, I need to check the baseball scores for the day.

-Brian McCann's in a bit of a slump.

-Harpring just pirouetted around Yao with both arms outstretched at full extension. Quite graceful.

-Fisher back in. Can faintly hear seven people clapping when his name is announced. Two of them are his mother.

-Boozer with his Finishing Move.

-What does T-Mac have tattooed on his right arm? I'd like to think it's his favorite paper from 8th Grade creative writing with Ms. Townshend.

-Announcer: "Derek Fisher must have magnets on his hands." That explains the shot.


-Jazz up 50-45 at halftime. Rockets shooting 3.5% better from the field. Let the ref-blaming begin in Houston.

-Unless I'm mistaken, that NBA Playoffs commercial had Anthony tucking in his shirt, saying, "This is how you get ready for the playoffs," followed by a white man gently spanking him on the ass.

I thought Bordy was the only one that got ready for the playoffs that way.

-For a second there, I thought that was Jayson Williams doing the halftime commentary. Nice double take when I heard him say: "You can't be afraid to take the shot."

-I enjoy the fact that Justin Morneau has a commercial now. This would be the equivalent of giving Harpring a national shoe commercial. Except Morneau is good.

-Earlier today:

Sasha Pavlovic commits hard foul. Announcer: "Pavlovic with a hard foul there, he played under Jerry Sloan, you know he learned to play hard." Yes, that's why they exposed him in the draft instead of Jarron.

Sloan hates foreign people.

-Turning things over to Kicky for the third quarter. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Nick said...

This site makes no sense. Harpring is all hustle and effort.