Monday, April 30, 2007

Live Blog and the Chamber of Secrets

TNT showing the 25th in the series of Geico "caveman commercials." I've decided those commercials could be used as a universal IQ test. If you laugh, you're sent back to the remedial grades.

Tracy McGrady has been diagnosed with a "hip pointer." He's back in the game now. Basically I just heard the announcers say "McGrady faked it."

Fun Fact: Ecdysiastic is the latin word for pole dancing.

Fisher just pivoted with the ball for roughly 15 seconds before passing the ball. That was productive. Lord knows moving your left foot back and forth might make your defender fall over. Oh wait, Harpring is on our team.

Fratello reports that Jerry Sloan told him "Harpring knows how to get his points in our offense." Graciously cuts off the rest of the quote: "by sacrificing his teammates shots, playing selfishly, and always calling for the ball regardless of defensive coverage."

TNT runs a playoff promo featuring 50% images of D-Wade and Shaq. OOPS!

Giricek hits another 3. Jerry Sloan plants his head firmly in the sand.

Mehmet Okur's 3 point percentage in this series is Shawn Bradley-esque.

Harpring passed. Isn't that precious!

Harpring slips on invisible banana peel.

Close-up on McGrady's "I'm in pain!" face. Funny how losing two games in a row leads to injury for T-Mac. Of course ESPN will still trumpet him as one of the greatest playoff performers ever despite his playoff series record still being 0-for-career.

12 combined turnovers already. Fratello is still describing the teams as playing "crisp fundamental basketball."

Fisher hits a three-pointer. TNT commentators talking about how great he is. This confirms my theory that Mike Fratello has been in cryogenic storage since 1999.

How many suits do you think Craig Sager owns? Do you think he tries to top his previous high in bad taste with every new purchase? What are the odds it's all an elaborate joke and he just has one blue suit and the producers blue-screen horrific colors and patterns on him without his knowledge every game? These are the things I need the New York Times to cover.

TNT shows a "Hertz around the league" graphic. I'm very disappointed this isn't an injury update.

Current injury report: Tracy McGrady - wounded pride.

Juwan Howard suddenly outperforming all expectations that were set from the last several games. Documented receipts from Floyd Landis' pharmacist ordered shredded by Jeff Van Gundy.

Mehmet Okur hits a dagger three. Celebrates by planning first shower this month.

Tracy McGrady already has 9 assists. Funny how it's easier to get those when your teammates start hitting shots.

Kirilenko takes a shot. I think it missed but Masha just thinks it needs an interpreter.

McGrady misses poorly. Fratello defends it by saying "that was not a shot!" I couldn't agree more.

Craig Sager's tie just got him indicted at the Hague.

I'd tell you what Tracy McGrady's arm tattoo says, but I decided it would take less time to read "War and Peace"

Passing the torch on to Bordy for the 3rd quarter. Madame Kicky is ready to gnaw my arm off if I don't go buy food right now.

1 comment:

Rafic said...

im really depressed that they lost, but this is hilarious hahah