Saturday, April 28, 2007

Blog en Direct Quatre: Pourquoi?

So I get to blog the fourth quarter in a game where the Jazz lead by a zillion, and Fisher is being hailed as the saviour of the Jazz by ESPN. What have I done to deserve this?

Gordan passes the ball to himself. Based on my rudimentary lip-reading skills, Giricek needs no help with his English profanity.

Prompted by the Jumbotron and the organ, and perhaps mesmerized by the LED ring, the crowd chants "de-fense! de-fense!" Giricek pauses in confusion, as if making a mental note to ask his translator after the game "what IS that word?"

Brewer must feel a bit like Brady Quinn on the bench, right around the 12th or 13th pick. Wondering with every timeout if NOW is his turn.

Deron takes the inbound pass, looks over to Sloan for directions. Does a double-take to verify. Proceeds down the court and passes to AK. Double-take explained.

Back in chat, bordy is surely being mocked for having to live-suffer through a dreadfully boring 4th quarter.

Nothing gets me excited for game 5 and the NBA like a NASCAR commercial. Kind of like inviting a bunch of kids to a birthday party and sending them home with a Wall Street Journal as a party favor.

I still don't understand why the Jazz have a six-foot-tall Ewok as a mascot.

Harpring launches a shot, which he quickly realizes will never get to the hoop. He follows the shot and spanks the ball. Pwned.

You'd have to be an idiot to still be watching the game from the Eastern Time Zone at this point. Go to bed, tater.

ESPN acknowledges the fact that the game is now meaningless, switches quickly to Masha Cleavage Update.

#9 in the game. Confused, ESPN checks their rosters.

#9 misses a shot. Commentators talking NFL draft. Bordy thinking Masha.

Dee Brown with 126 attempted assists per 48 minutes.

I can't think of a sentence or a comment that will adequately wrap up this live-debacle, so....HOT DOG JUICE!


DDD said...

" Prompted by the Jumbotron and the organ, and perhaps mesmerized by the LED ring, the crowd chants "de-fense! de-fense!" Giricek pauses in confusion, as if making a mental note to ask his translator after the game "what IS that word?" "

Very nice.

One of the HS crew should come to Game 6 with a placard sign saying "Hot Dog Juice!"

It would worth the price of admission just for the Espn cameraman's reaction.

Sirkickyass said...

Sadly at least half of the HS crew lives outside the state. :(

tatermoog said...

Kicky with the emoticon.