Thursday, April 19, 2007

IJSPD Flow Chart: Expanded Playoff Edition!

Click to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

I liked the first one better.

tatermoog said...

I liked the first anonymous comment better.

Anonymous said...

ahhhh.....logic, in all its beauty. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Boy howdy. Who in tarnation do you think you are? William Goldberg? Theo Lewis?

Anonymous said...

No!!!! What did Shorty (sorry, Dee Brown) ever do to you? He's amazing. And Mo Williams was amazing too.
As for the rest of your chart... it's so sad how true it is... especially about Brewer.
He must be wondering what the hell he did wrong to be a lottery pick and then rot away on the bench behind the likes of Gordan Giricek, Matt Harpring and Derek Fisher (who doesn't even play the same position as him).