Monday, April 30, 2007

Jazz LiveBlog and Something Something Harry Potter

-Stupid fellow bloggers. Someone forgot to start the third quarter.

-Hey, I started just in time to see AK's made basket of the first round!

-I need a conclusion for this 20-page paper I'm writing, if you have suggestions, put them in the comments. Subject doesn't matter.

-Oooooh, AK hit a jumper. I'm in a state of shock. I'm serious, I look like Jerry Sloan right now.

-*grabs drool towel*

-T-Mac gives the ref the Evil Eye. Looks very similar to the Eye That Is Pointed Up and To the Left at a 37-Degree Angle.

-Some lonely Rockets' fan has to have an AlstonSucks page out there.

-AK just hit another jumper. Stop hitting jumpers, AK, or they won't trade you. I'm serious. And as I type, Fisher almost steals the ball. Oh, wait, the Jazz already had the ball.

Fisher with a turnover.

-It's too bad the Jazz don't have an SG on the bench who could hit a three for a rally-killer instead of dribbling the ball off his foot or hand-checking the other player five feet from the three-point stripe or running into three-man coverage or resembling Levar Burton.

-McGrady said he prefers having Kirilenko on him. Sloan responds by putting Fisher on him.

I'm sure T-Mac is really really upset right now.

-Boozer, used to shooting over a 7-footer, launches a 10-footer 2 feet past the hoop. Derek Fisher immediately starts arguing he practiced with a 7-footer last summer.

-T-Mac walks over to Sloan, says, "I really really hate having Harpring guard me. Please don't throw me in the briar patch."

-It's a bad sign when you're looking over comments on a rough draft and two sentences are underlined with the word "YIKES!" written out to the side.

-Harpring doubles down on Yao, Yao passes out to Battier, Harpring moves to full-on sprint shuffle to recover. Two seconds later, Harp is still three feet from Yao and Battier hits an open three-pointer.

-If I'm not mistaken, one of the announcers just missed his "sneeze" button.

-In case you're interested, a certain bordelais7 was intended to write this blog, but got distracted by a soccer game. Yes, soccer.

How far the Jazz have fallen.

-Long conversation on bench points from the TNT analysts. Bolerjack feels a disturbance in the Force.

-Someone should probably tell the Rockets they don't really need to foul Fisher. Ever. He's his own personal hard foul.

-Collins, feeling sorry for the Rockets' unwise fouling of Harpring, decides to foul T-Mac on a three-pointer he hits. Harpring, unbelievably upset, collects the ball, steps back, and attempts a little jumpshot, which he misses.

Ladies and gentlemen, how about your Jazz?

-Fisher to Harpring for an airball.

See previous comment.

-Well, sorry for the low quality. It was short notice, and I'm tired. Prepare for an infusion of oddity with Capt. Sig.


Anonymous said...


Sirkickyass said...

Conclusion: And then everybody died. Or got the clap. Whichever is less pleasant.

Anonymous said...

you need more Harry Potter to compensate for the clear ignorance displayed in the title. hence, the conclusion to your paper should be from the harry potter book I picked up off the floor just now:

"and together they walked back through the gateway to the Muggle world."

very heartwarming.

Nick said...

RSL/Colorado update: Still 0-0.

Thanks, tater.

tatermoog said...

Madame Kicky, you seem to be a perfect match.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame collins for the foul on mcgrady's three. he was covering for harpring the best he could. itw as impressive that mcgrady made the three.