Thursday, May 24, 2007

For Those That Came in Late

HarpringSucks just reached it's 100th post. For some blogs, this would be a milestone. For HarpringSucks, it just means we've done way too many frickin' live-blogs. However, for those readers that either were late arrivals to the blog or didn't realize the blog occasionally had actual content, here are a few of the key posts in its history, in chronological order:

The Mission Statement: Everything you need to know about the website. In retrospect, Fisher needed to be mentioned much, much more.

The Deadliest Catch
: Sig's masterpiece on Derek Fisher. Highlights the fundamental flaw in the Jazz's acquiring of Fisher: he sucks at basketball.

Utah Jazz Bingo: a solid concept from Bordelais7. Unfortunately, it fails due to its inclusion of "Brewer Missed Jumper," which requires Brewer to actually play a minute.

Perfect Strangers: Jazz Edition: My one shining moment wherein I demonstrate entirely too much knowledge of a gimmicky late '80s sitcom.

Everything You Ever Learned About Leadership is Bullshit: the one post from OSR. Notice the teaser for a never-written "Chapter Two."

Clutch: In my eyes, the single greatest HarpringSucks post. Fisher sucks.

The Inquiry Parts One and Two: YB's magisterial effort to include every single HS inside joke in two posts. "Is that an impressive feat, ten things in two items?"

IJSPD Flow Chart: Kicky takes HarpringSucks into the world of visualization. Probably still holds the record for comments. Quiz: You've read the blog, now take the quiz.

Caption This Photo: In which Ize manages to get more comments than the rest of us in about 1/80th the time.

SJF's LiveBlog: I've avoided the live-blogs to this point, but this post must be pointed out for garnering the most negative reaction of any post in HarpringSucks history. Why? It's SJF.

There you have it. The first 100 posts.

We might make it to 113.

[Edit: How could I forget? Madame Kicky's Entrance: the only reason Kicky was let on board in the first place.]


IzeOfLight said...

This (!) is so one of my favorite (!!!!) posts ever!!!!! Because it's like a greatest hits (!!!!) of HarpringSucks!!!!

Four of you will get that, but that's fine by me.

Sirkickyass said...

Whoa, getting a little surly with the commentary there eh tater?